Friday 15 July 2016

Make New Habits

Make new habits! How you might be asking. For sure making new habits is easier said than done. At least in my experience. Old habits must be replaced with a new habit. What exactly is a habit? My positive habits make my life run smoother. I put my slippers beside my bed so when I get up my feet are warm and cozy. I don't have to hunt for my slippers in the closet. Every night they are beside my bed waiting for me. I keep a bottle on my nightstand with 16 oz of water in it. Having water close by starts my daily hydration routine. I don't have to think I just drink.
I would go crazy if my positive habits were not on autopilot. Can you imagine how exhausting it would be to have to think about every little thing I did all day long? Driving a car, brushing my teeth, making coffee, and filling my gas tank are some of the positive habits I have in my life. I don't have to think about them I just do them.
There are other habits in my life that are not positive. Eating when I am not hungry, spending a lot of time scrolling through my phone, watching TV when the weather is good outside or shopping when I need nothing. Lets look at eating when I am not hungry. I know for a fact that food calms me when I am stressed. I also know that eating when I am not hungry does not take all my stress away. When I am done eating I become doubly stressed. I have the original stress and the new stress from eating when I was not hungry. Therefore, eating when I am not hungry is a negative habit for me.
Since habits are learned patterns of behavior they can be changed and replaced. It takes time and patience for the new habits to become automatic. We did not learn how to safely drive a car the first time we sat behind the wheel right? We need to go easy on ourselves and be patient. Stress makes it difficult to change habits. Lack of sleep causes fatigue which in turn causes stress. Stressful people makes us stressed out. Weed out as much stress as possible when making habit changes. No one ever said change is easy. Changing habits takes time, patience and determination.
In reality, habits are not broken they are replaced with something different. Years ago I wanted to eat a healthier diet so I replaced white pasta and white rice with wheat pasta and brown rice. Now when I purchase pasta or rice I automatically go for the wheat pasta's and the brown rice. It was a habit I changed over time until it became automatic.
It is important to focus on changing one habit at a time. Tackling my mindless eating, my watching TV during good weather, my excessive scrolling through my phone and my shopping as a hobby all at the same time would set me up for failure. I don't want to feel overwhelmed and quit so, today I will pick one habit and start making a positive change in my life.
By Julie W. Hubbs

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Fake It Before You Make It!

Have you ever read or heard about the law of attraction? 

Do you know and understand, that you are always attracting what you think about and what you say? Do you know of colleagues, friends, or neighbors, who always seem to attract bad luck? "I have a black cloud over my head." "I knew this was going to happen!" On the other hand, do you know of people who seem to have a horse shoe up their a..? Everything they touch seems to turn to gold? Have you ever watched the movie, "The Secret"? There is a gentleman in it who visualizes big fat cheques coming to him in his mailbox. Another thing he does, is know that each time he needs a parking spot he gets one! How cool is that? Imagine, if you live in a city that has no parking and each time you went somewhere you knew there would be a parking spot available. Try it! I have... it works!
Let's do an experiment, just for fun. Let's say you need to pay $500 for a bill you did not expect. You are concerned because you have no clue where you are going to get the money. Focus on how you are feeling when you are stressed about not having the money. Why do this? Because, you have to be able to recognize this stressed feeling about not having enough money, to be able to change it. Now, stop! Shift this feeling by affirming, "I am letting go and allowing money to easily flow into my life, right now!" Dance around the room, laugh out loud and recall a moment in time that made you jump for joy. Tag the feeling of being joyful to imagining money flowing to you! You have just raised your vibration and this is what the universe responds to. It responds to your feelings. So if you want to be wealthy, feel wealthy first. "Easier said than done!" you say? Absolutely! You are correct that this is simple in theory, harder to implement in reality, because feelings are involved. However, if you can grasp this concept then you may never feel, or be poor again. So, fake it before you make it! Feel wealthy now!

How do you do this? Well, you can make a vision board of all the things you are looking forward to when you design the life of your dreams. Keep the vision board in a place where you can see it daily. Know in your heart it is speeding to you! Expect it but do not stress about it. Allow it to happen. Know it is on its way. Be aware of serendipitous events that come into your life. Follow your intuition. If you feel compelled to do something, do it.

Imagine that you receive the money and some extra, from an unexpected source. You see, it is not your job to know where the money is coming from. This is the universe's job. It is your job to expect the money and be grateful for having received it, before you receive it. You do this by raising your vibration, by how you feel. A lot of people feel stuck when they say "I am wealthy now." Why? Because they simply do not feel wealthy when they say it! They feel like they are lying. On the other hand, when they say, "I am allowing money to flow easily into my life, right now!" The sense of "allowing" may feel more right. Allowing something to happen seems truthful. Try it! It does not cost a penny to do so. This simple shift of affirming on a daily basis, "I am allowing money to flow easily into my life, right now!" and the feeling you now have of being wealthy, is priceless. You have the power to change your life.
Never let anyone steal your dreams! Never stop believing in yourself, or your dreams, until you have achieved them. Live with gratitude. Live with the knowledge that you can have, be, and do whatever you can imagine, as long as you play by the universe's rules and never harm another person. Raise your vibration and allow the universe to give you what you ask for. Receive it with open arms.
Fake it before you make it!
By Kathleen Boucher

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Monday 27 June 2016

Taking Charge and Moving Into Happiness

Now that you have become aware of some of the obstacles that are holding you back from your true happiness, hopefully you are now able to notice, accept, and understand that you CAN change your reality. In order to change that reality, you must first change your thoughts and your words by taking charge of your life.
One of the best bits of wisdom I have learned is from Esther Hicks is when she said, "Think only thoughts that feel good and talk only about what you want." Since we know thoughts and words become emotions, and emotions send off a vibration, you can now understand how you have created your current reality. With the programing that we have and the manner in which our mind operates, it is no wonder that we have made life so difficult at times.
We may have been used to a life of suffering, victimhood or martyrdom. We may have told ourselves to stay small, live in lack or settle for less. Some of us have become accustomed to feeling bad. Now that you know this does not have to be your reality any longer, it is time to take charge and turn your life around.
Start with just noticing your thoughts and feelings on a regular basis. It is a great beginning to taking control. When you make a conscious effort to surround yourself with people whom you enjoy, begin talking about things that make you happy, and think about things that feel good, you can't help but start to notice a shift.
You may still have blocks and triggers that make you feel uncomfortable and that is perfectly normal. What you don't want to do is to dwell on them. Don't call a friend and start complaining and tell your story 10 more times. Simply find something else to talk or think about that makes you feels better. I still get uneasy thinking about money on occasion and it can create some discomfort. When that happens, I simply think about my wonderful life and the blessings that I DO have such as my husband, my kids, my home, my car, and any other happy memories. If thinking about a work assignment gives you anxiety, simply give yourself a break to focus on something else until you are in a calmer place and can put things in to perspective.
It is funny how we are programmed to live in a place of negativity. I was thinking how while I was growing up, and even now, the adults were always telling us what not to do and the negative things that could happen if we did do it. "Don't run in the street or you will get hit by a car", "Don't spend your money or you will end up broke". Why not, "stay on the sidewalk where you are safe", or "save your money so you can build your savings"? I know I was guilty of it as a parent myself. According to a UCLA study, the average toddler hears the word "NO" up to 400 times in a day. Clearly we have been trained to think that we must focus on what not to do or what we don't want.
What we need to do is start focusing on what we DO want. We all know what we don't want and that is usually what we talk about. Our society is focused on anti-war, terrorism, fighting diseases, and fighting hunger. Ironically, this is what the world keeps manifesting - war, terrorist attacks, disease and famine! So start talking about what you do want. The Universe / Source only hears what you are saying and does not hear the negative. If you say you don't want to be fat, it hears FAT. If you say you don't want to be broke, it hears BROKE. Start saying that you want to be thin, healthy, wealthy and successful, as well as happy and fulfilled. If you don't feel well, state that you are starting to feel great. Stop complaining!! Put the words in to the Universe that will bring you exactly what you want.
When you catch your thoughts going to a negative place, simply change the directions of your mind. Don't spiral down the proverbial "rabbit hole". If you can start thinking about anything that you can be grateful for such as a roof over your head, running water and food in the pantry, you can start to change the direction of your focus. Sometimes, if I can't bring myself to be grateful of anything in the moment, I will just repeat the phrase I stated above: "Think only thoughts that feel good and talk only about what you want." This gets your focus off the negative and starts retraining your brain.
It is so important to become aware of the impact that self-talk has on you. The Law of Attraction will not judge what you are saying, it will only respond to your words. Make a pact with yourself that you will no longer:
• Focus on what is wrong
• Complain
• Criticize, judge and gossip
• Avoid responsibility and blame others
• Speak hurtful or negative words
Words carry their own vibration, and you can tell by just speaking them. See how much better you feel when you say these words: love, compassion, joy, peace, happiness, amazing, abundance, yes, beautiful, delicious, grateful. You can feel your vibration rise.
There was an experiment done by Dr. Masaru Emoto in the 1990's where he observed the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environments on the crystalline structure of water. If you have not seen the results of this, it is fascinating and clearly shows the powerful effects of what we put out so search the video on the internet.
Learn to focus on the positive and watch how your life and the people that surround you will change. You will notice negative people slowly fall away from your inner circle and new happier people will start to appear. Good things will start to happen and you may even notice little miracles. I had someone in front of me in line pay for my coffee at the convenience store for no reason today. Watch these little things happen, have gratitude and start moving into your own happiness.
By Tracy Wills

Monday 23 May 2016

Success Only Comes By Taking Action

Success comes by taking action and that means immediate action, daily action, weekly action, monthly action and so forth. The importance of taking action can not be stressed enough if you are to succeed in achieving your goals.
Just as blood is necessary to keep you alive, action is just as necessary for success in achieving your goals. You can not sit and plan till its perfect because it will never be a perfect time and a perfect plan in place, there is always unforseen things you will have to adjust to.
Remember you do not have to get it right, you just have to get it going and once you get it going you can make the necessary adjustments.
Even if you do something wrong you have learned something from the action you took, you gain experienced that will be valuable again to you in the future.
Only by taking action can you learn what will work and what will not. Sure someone can give you advice on what will work and what will not but each situation is different and sometimes what worked for some may not work for others and vice versa.
While it is good to put together a plan of action it is not good to spend too much time on it. Get the basics of what you will need to get going then start working the plan.
When you are taking action things will start to come together and you will see what else needs to be done and you can then make adjustments.
No plan is going to work perfectly from beginning to end so why should you bother trying to plan it perfectly from beginning to end. That is going to be a complete waste of time. You just have to get it going.
Start with what you have and start taking action, you will not dream your way to success you have to take some form of action each and every day even, if the results are not what you expected they are still better than not having any results at all from not taking action.
While you may have fears and doubts those same fears and doubts soon disappear when you start taking action because you will be learning and learning how to do something erases fear and doubts and learning builds confidence.
The quickest way to learn what works and what does not work is taking action and when you take action you start seeing results from those action steps you took. If they are working you keep doing what you are doing, if you are not seeing the results you want then make corrections and try again.
While a plan of action is important it is even more important to take action each day. All the planning you do in the world will not get the job done. Only by taking action can you achieve what it is that you wish to achieve.
Start taking action and you will be amazed at what you can do and soon you will start seeing the results of your hard work and the success you deserve.
By Delton Doucet

Wednesday 18 May 2016

How to Push Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

Have you heard the saying, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there”? It can be difficult to shake the anxiety that often goes with doing things we’re not used to or comfortable with, precisely because we have either little or poor experience with whatever is outside our comfort zone.

However, learning to push those boundaries for yourself is helpful for advancing and succeeding both in your career and your personal life. If you don’t know how to begin taking healthy steps to leave your comfort zone, here are some tips on things you can do that will encourage you to take risks and learn to embrace uncertainty.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Reach Your Dreams

Got a Dream?

Achieving certain dreams often requires FAR LESS WORK than achieving other, seemingly easier goals. Why is that so?
Because it is much, much harder to work for to achieve a dream we don't passionately desire. But when you manage to get yourself focused on what is naturally a passionate interest, your work becomes play.

Is Your Dream a Good Fit?

Hopefully you have invested some thought clarifying your dream ... and you know exactly what you want. If that is the case. why not take a few minutes to ask yourself an important question --- am I pursuing the right dream and goal for ME?

Here is why that is so important: You will never really achieve your true potential as long as you pour your energy into something that does not really fit your true passions and interests! Does that seem too simple?
Think about it. It is often very easy to automatically adopt someone elses goal. We were trained to do that very thing as children.
Ninty-nine percent of us were fully expected to achieve the goals our parents and educational system set out for us. Some of us gave in and tried to comply. Some of us rebelled and learned to fail instead. And some of us felt somehow inadequate because we did not have the natural interest and/or aptitude to do what we were expected to do.
If you find you never seem to achieve your goals, you may be setting goals you don't really desire or believe in for yourself.
This is never going to lead to success. What leads to is one false start after another... and a tendency to want to quit after the first bump in the road. This is a major dead-end, and will do nothing but gradually erode your self confidence.


Three things will happen if you make the effort to refocus yourself around a dream and supporting goal that is more in keeping with your natural talents and passions:
  • First, you will be happier, less stressed, and far more productive.
  • Second, you will be more likely to hang in when you hit those jarring bumps in the road.
  • ThirdPsychology Articles, there is a higher probability you will achieve a level of excellence at what you're doing. This increases your value thereby increasing your potential for increased return on your efforts.

Put your goal to the test. Does it truly "measure up" to your innermost desires? Now ... ask yourself this question: What do you have to do NOW to get what you want?

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Think and Grow Rich Audio Book by Napoleon Hill

This may take some time to listen to but will be worth every minute of your time and will help you massively on your personal development journey. Has anyone already read/listened to this book and what is your feedback or the most useful information you took from this book?

Friday 6 May 2016

A Theory of Personal Development

There are many ideas surrounding personal development, one of which is detailed below - Abraham Maslow's process of Self Actualisation.

Self Actualisation

Maslow (1970) suggests that all individuals have an in-built need for personal development which occurs through the process called self-actualisation.
The extent to which people are able to develop depends on certain needs being met and these needs form a hierarchy.  Only when one level of need is satisfied can a higher one be developed.  As change occurs throughout life, however, the level of need motivating someone’s behaviour at any one time will also change.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.  Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Love and Belongingness, Esteem Needs, Cognitive Needs, Aesthetic Needs and Self-Actualisation.

  • At the bottom of the hierarchy are the basic physiological needs for food, drink, sex and sleep, i.e., the basics for survival. 
  • Second are the needs for safety and security in both the physical and economic sense. 
  • Thirdly, progression can be made to satisfying the need for love and belonging
  • The fourth level refers to meeting the need for self-esteem and self-worth.  This is the level most closely related to ‘self-empowerment’. 
  • The fifth level relates to the need to understand.This level includes more abstract ideas such as curiosity and the search for meaning or purpose and a deeper understanding. 
  • The sixth relates to aesthetic needs of beauty, symmetry and order.  At the top of Maslow’s hierarchy, is the need for self-actualisation. 
Maslow (1970, p.383) says that all individuals have the need to see themselves as competent and autonomous, also that every person has limitless room for growth. 
Self-actualisation refers to the desire that everybody has ‘to become everything that they are capable of becoming’.  In other words, it refers to self-fulfilment and the need to reach full potential as a unique human being.
For Maslow, the path to self-actualisation involves being in touch with your feelings, experiencing life fully and with total concentration.
Maslow, A. H. (1970), Motivation and Personality, (2nd Edition), Harper & Row, New York.

Friday 29 April 2016

Your Limiting Beliefs Are Hurting You

If you are like many of us, you have probably gotten to a point where you have realized that you are not at the place in your life where you had hoped to be. Whether it is your finances, your weight, your relationships, you career or any other area of your life. What most people don't realize is that when you do not have what you desire to have, it is because deep down in your subconscious mind, there are various limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
As we have talked about in other articles, these limiting beliefs are not even in our conscious awareness. We may not even know that they exist. Once you are aware of the fact that your limiting beliefs are actually preventing you from achieving what you want, then you can start to dig a little deeper to determine what they are, clear them out and get on your way to achieving those things that you want.
I for one have struggled with beliefs about money. One of the beliefs is that there was "never enough money". Since I truly believed this to the core of me, I would keep manifesting situations of lack and then seeing for myself that there never was enough. I kept reliving the same feelings about money because that is what I truly believed. Part of this was from my parents and some of it was from past religious beliefs telling me that God gives us only what we need for the day. I made up that I could only have enough to get by and no extra. Once I was able to let go and counteract that belief and affirm to myself that there is an endless supply of money in the Universe, the belief lost its grip on me, and money started showing up from unusual sources and various ways.
Sadly, most of us have had these and other beliefs for years and have created multiple layers. We can become aware of one layer and clear it and a couple of days, weeks or months later, it may appear again. It doesn't mean that you never cleared it the first time, but that there are deeper layers for healing. Be patient with yourself as you can eventually clear them and depending on how embedded in your subconscious they are, will determine how easy they are to get rid of. Sometimes they are more of a challenge to get rid of as they have become a part of our identity and we don't know what or who we would be without them.
I recently had to face a painful realization of a belief that I had been holding on to unknown to me. It started to surface a couple of months ago and I faced it and thought I had cleared it. It now sounds like such a ridiculous thought. The belief was " I don't deserve to be happy". If you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have sworn that I knew I deserved to be happy. But deep down, my subconscious mind was resisting this thought and it started to feel really uncomfortable when I would say those words to myself.
I grew up in a chaotic, high stress, abusive household. So as a child, when I may have been feeling happy minding my own business (and I am a naturally happy person) and then out of left field came anger and raging, I may have instantly told myself that I shouldn't be happy or I don't deserve to be. When this pattern continued on a regular basis, I had no choice to say to myself, " See, I was happy and someone got mad at me so clearly I shouldn't be happy".
I continued to seek these types of relationships where there was erratic behavior and raging to confirm that exact subconscious belief. Despite the fact that I always woke up happy, something would always happen, whether it was my own painful thoughts or actions or words by anther. I had no idea in my conscious mind until recently when it came blaring to my attention.
As this new and deeper layer came to surface, I became more sensitive and was blaming more because I was feeling uncomfortable. I found myself having a great day and then finding something to turn it rough. How could I be happy if my true belief was I didn't deserve to be? I caught myself starting to sabotage my own happiness and the happiness of others around me to stay aligned with my beliefs. I didn't want them to be happy because then I had to face my own pain. It was quite painful to me at a conscious level because I really wanted to be happy, but somehow, it was like a comfortable slipper for my subconscious mind when I was not happy.
It was a sick cycle and I could not believe what I had created in my mind from the time I was a child. This could have kept me captive for the rest of my life had I not faced it head on due to the fact it was causing problems in my most precious relationship. Life would be great for a quick time but it would never stay that way or even close. I saw what I was doing and had to bring it to a screeching halt. I had no idea where the behavior was coming from and was embarrassed by my unforeseen reactions.
We have all our answers within us and we just have to ask for it to be revealed. I sought the answer within and then I was able to address the belief, release it and counteract it. Wow, it was freedom from bondage I didn't even know I was in.
Sometimes, there is something within us that is not ready to face the truth and it may take a while for the answer to come. If that is the case, be patient and know it is for your highest and best.
Clearing these beliefs may be a breeze for some and more of a challenging for others especially those who grew up in dysfunctional homes. I always remind our readers that although it may be painful to face, inside that Pandora's box is a beautiful treasure chest. Happy treasure hunting! Namaste
By Tracy Wills

Thursday 28 April 2016

The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

What do you guys think to this? 6.5million+ views says it all!

How To Develop Self Confidence - 5 Enlightening And Educative Tips You Should Know

One of the most helpful tips is choosing the right friends. This is because the people surrounding someone play an important role in determining how good one feels about himself or herself. Getting friends who are always saying negative things about you can significantly lower your self confidence. This is because these negative comments will ultimately get into your mind and you will feel as if the other people are better then you. But if you surround yourself with friends who are always saying encouraging things you can effectively regain your self confidence. To know the right friends you just need to establish the friends you feel happy whenever you are together.
Another helpful tip on how to develop self confidence is to always dress appropriately. This is mainly because most people judge others according to the way they are dressed. Majority of people with self confidence issues usually dress in a way that they will not be outstanding when amongst other people. This is because they do not want to be the centre of attention because they do not have the necessary confidence. But dressing properly will significantly boost your confidence because you will feel as if you are equal or even better then the other people. This is especially when attending a function with a certain dress code. You do not hoe to dress in an exaggerated manner. Instead you just need to choose the clothes that send the message that you believe in yourself.
Being healthy is also an important tip when it comes to developing self confidence. This is because besides looking good one also gets improved mental strength. Some people with self confidence issues usually neglect their health where they spend most of their time indoors eating unhealthy foods. As a result, such people become overweight and this has a negative effect on their self confidence. Some of the helpful things one should do to be healthy include eating balance diet and exercising regularly. This will give you a good looking body and all your organs including the brain will be functioning efficiently therefore making you feel good about yourself.
It is also helpful to practice being around people so as to develop self confidence. As noted some of the people with self confidence issues tend to avoid places where they will be meeting other people since they feel the other people are better than them. To eliminate this feeling it is advisable to try and spend time amongst other people. This does not have to be amongst strangers or huge crowds of people. Instead you can just spend time amongst friends or attend fun activities where people interact freely. When you interact with people you will come to know that they also have their weaknesses and they are not as perfect as you had initially thought. You can start by interacting with a few people and this will give you the necessary confidence to interact even with huge crowds of people.
Doing what you are good in is also a helpful tip on how to develop self confidence. This is because many people lose their confidence when they try and fail things which they are not good in. This is especially when certain activities seems to be popular than others and therefore you try doing them. In such situations, losing or not being the best lowers the self confidence significantly. However, if you do what you are good in you are more likely to be better than the other people and this will significantly boost your self confidence. All what you need is to establish what you are good in even if it is not that popular amongst other people. Therefore, you can effectively regain your self confidence through implementing the outlined tips on how to develop self confidence.

By Zahir Rizky